Bible Studies

Understanding the Bible: Biblical Survey
Part 1
UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE – BIBLICAL SURVEY is a two part progressive study of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Part I – Old Testament Survey lays out the foundation of God’s Word in Genesis, and builds on the foundation from that point, by surveying the writings of Moses, as well as the Prophets.

Understanding the Bible: Biblical Survey
Part 2
UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE – BIBLICAL SURVEY is a two part progressive study the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Part II – New Testament Survey continues to build upon that which was laid out in Part I and unfolds God’s Word from the Gospels, through the transition in Acts, the Epistles, and finally the Book of the Revelation.

Understanding the Bible: Biblical Survey

Going on to Maturity
This two-message series teaches Chrstians what it takes to grow up spiritually.
To understand the Epistle of James is to understand how Faith and Works work together to bring about the salvation of our soul. James tells us that we are to lay aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness and humbly receive the implanted Word which is able to save our souls. Using the examples of Abraham and Rahab, James explains how our works must emanate out of faith in order to be counted as works that will bring about the reward of our inheritance at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Works really cannot be separated from faith, and it is within this concept that we can come to understand HOW we are to 'work out our own salvation'.
Jesus, The Messiah
This is a 5-week Bible Study that covers five major topics concerning the person and work of Jesus the Christ.
Spiritual Warfare
This is a 10-week study about the battle between the people of God and the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. The battle is about an inheritance, a land, the very purpose for man's creation, as well as the very purpose for man's redemption. This study not only focuses on who our enemy is and the deceptive tactics he uses, but it also teaches about the equipment needed to stand firm in the battle: the full armor of God as described in Ephesians 6:10-17.
The Battle with Amalek
This is a 4-week Bible study that depicts the battle between the descendants of Jacob, and a particular line of the descendants of Esau. The picture, as given in the Old Testament, is a picture for Christians, depicting the on-going battle that rages within every one of us -- it is the battle between the flesh and the spirit. We need to realize how important this battle is--a kingdom is truly at stake.
The Full Scope of Our Salvation
Did you know that we have been saved for a very specifically stated purpose which can be seen even within the very first chapter of the entire Bible? Yes! God states His purpose for Man exactly before and after He created him! Along with this, we also need to know that we have been SAVED for a purpose beyond the simplistic idea of going to heaven when you die. Really the purpose for man's creation and the purpose for man's salvation is one and the same. This four-part study lays out from Scripture WHY we are being saved.
Understanding Hebrews
This is a 16-week study on the Book of Hebrews. This New Testament epistle contains five major warnings to Christians concerning the coming age (see Heb. 2:5). It is an in-depth, inductive Bible study that makes an otherwise difficult to understand epistle, easy to understand.
Understanding I and II Peter
This is a twelve week study that delves into both of Peter's Epistles. In Peter's first letter to the saints in Asia Minor, he encourages them to remain faithful in spite of the suffering they may have to endure. He tells them that Jesus was their example of the way in which they were to suffer, and relates that suffering always precedes glory.
Understanding Prophecy, Part I
This is a seven-week study that lays the foundation to understanding Prophecy. We will begin where Jesus began...with Moses. We will study the first eleven chapters of Genesis and will most likely be surprised at all the details that can be learned by simply studying these initial chapters of Scripture.
Understanding the Picture of Marriage
This is a Bible study that traces the purpose of marriage from Adam and the Woman all the way through Scripture to Christ and His Bride. This study opens up understanding of how important marriage is and how serious it should be taken. You may learn some things that surprise you!
Christ & His Bride: From Genesis to Revelation
A Six Part Study on the Picture of Marriage from Genesis to Revelation revealing truths concerning Christ and His Bride. The material is available in a 40 page Study Booklet as well as a Teacher’s Manual for facilitators of 104 pages.Teacher Edition

Faith, Works and the Reward - A Discipleship Study
Many Christians understand how faith operates within the free gift of our salvation, but few can explain how works and rewards fit into the overall picture. This study is written for the purpose that we might have a tool to use in helping other Christians to come into an overall understanding of how faith, works and rewards are presented in God's Word. This is a 6 Part study with multiple lessons in each part.
Genesis Part One
The best place to begin the study of Scripture is where God began, the Book of Genesis. A person must understand correctly that which God has revealed in the first 34 verses of Genesis as this sets the foundation for the rest of Scripture.
Genesis Part Two
Walking In the Garden with God. An in-depth study on Genesis Chapters 2-4.
Genesis Part Three
The Flood of Noah’s Day — An in depth examination of the types and events surrounding the Flood in Genesis 6 - 11
The Book of Ruth: A Study of Preparation
The Book of Ruth - A Study of Preparation, is a Bible study that examines the Christian’s journey and the instructions given by God to be found ready for Christ’s return. Like Ruth, we are to wash ourselves, anoint ourselves, and put on our best garment in order to meet our Bridegoom Jesus, our kinsman redeemer.